Real Boi - Yang Tonic

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Real Boi - Yang Tonic


Looking to build more yang qualities into your physique? Add 1 scoop of Real- Boi ™ into your pre and post-workout smoothies, broths, and desserts to supplement the functional quality of yang within the body ( includes, musculature tone, testosterone-androgen dominant hormone cascades, improved adaptive-stress responses, etc).

This product is in beta-phase, and we are accepting pre-orders for the next batch. There are only a limited amount we’re producing, so be sure to claim one. We will be closing orders May, and you’re will arrive between mid-May and Early June 20204.


  • Pine pollen

  • Dear antler

  • Maca

  • Tribulus- stimulates the anterior pituitary to secrete LH

  • Cordyceps

  • Ho Shu Wu

  • Cistanche

  • Chainbai Black Ant Powder 

  • Shilajit

4.5 oz

*This product is not recommended for those on anti-depressants due to alkaloid content.
