Join us in Vancouver, BC this summer where we will explore the nature of this work. This journey will include 3 full on days of
Identifying the Elemental Expression of Plants, as well as Exploring the Astrological & Archetypal
How to work with the birth chart to identify archetypal rulers of that chart
Plant Sits- We’ll work with the seasons and enjoy the natural surroundings of BC’s wild flora. We’ll learn the subtlies of the plant we will work with each day.
Processing and distillation- Live demo of still set up, distillation, as well as the first mercurial extraction.
Demoing the process of extracting plant salts, and salt of sulphur
Integrative Breath Journey working with Wild Rose Spagyric Essence
A field trip to a local swimming spot in BC
Organic Local Meals for Breakfast, Light Lunch, and Dinner
Total Cost- $450 USD
To secure you spot, please use the “enroll now” link and enter the total price listed above to complete your enrolment. This covers the cost of the course & meals. Accommodations & Travel are not included.