There are few plants that have captivated the attention of whole populations, quite like blue lotus. It’s reputation proceeds it, and rightfully so.
From its aromatic qualities, to it’s spiritual properties, Blue lotus has historical uses rooting back to Egypt ( originally called Khemet). It was used primarily as a adjunct to initiation ceremonies for royalty, or initiation into the alchemical traditions. Upon ingestion of fermented herbal brews, the initiate would be induced into a euphoric like state and would assist the initiates incension into the soul and the death of the self, to be reborn into a unified consciousness and bridge the awareness that they were an extension of divine source, or kin to the Sun god Ra. To unify the above worlds with the below. In these cultural traditions of ancients, Blue Lotus represented this relationship, and was used such for initiations into greater levels of universal and awakened states.
As of recent, further biochemistry profiles on this herb are confirming the traditional uses of blue lotus for its affects, and it wide spectrum of actions.
Benefits on the Limbic System:
The limbic system is contains parts of the brain that over see responses related to our memory, recall, learning, emotions, endocrine signaling in relation to stimuli, and reinforcing bahavioral patterns. Its structural components include the amygdala ( fear & aggression response), the hippocampus (memory recall & learning), thalamus (directs sensory input) , and the hypothalamus (temperature, heart rate & blood pressure, endocrine signaling, thirst, hunger, and sexual arousal). Blue Lotus contains a variety of constituents that play a role in influencing the limbic system for supporting memory, and recall.
Alkaloids of Blue Lotus
Blue lotus contains a wide variety of constituents including alkaloids such as apopmorphine, and aporphine, Nuciferine.. all alkaloids that have an impact on our dopaminergic system, meaning that they influence our dopamine receptors in a dual directional capacity. Dopamine being one of our endogenous hormones that drives behavior-reward reinforcement, the dual directional qualities of Blue lotus’s alkaloids also have a role in in mitigating pain signalling (nuciferine- dopamine receptor blocker), and pleasure signalling quing what most experience as a heightened sense of euphoria( aporphine- dopmine agonist).
Phytosterols: Are plant derived lipid sterol’s which are known to reduce LDL cholesterols by mitigating cholesterol uptake in the small intestine, and reducing LDL blood levels. The presence of phytosterols within Blue Lotus nods at its supportive functions on cardiovascular health in prevention of atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries.
Nuciferine: Is the alkaloid which is responsible for its mood stabalizing qualities and many researchers have confirmed its traditional uses as having antipsychotic like affects. It is also found it has anti-inflammatory affects regulating the production of cytokines cells, which play a key role in inflammation responses. Studies have noted that regular ingestion of lotus can promote the mitigation of developing Alzheimers.
Other notable compounds in Blue Lotus leaves are flavonoids, and phenolic acids. The phenolic acids present play a large role in explaining the varying therapeutic actions of lotus as denoted by this chart.
The Ens Extraction of Blue Lotus is particularly uniqe in that it provdies us with a concentration of it’s oil content, and it’s alkaloid content through what is essentially acid-to-base extraction. This preparation is then purified through low temperature distillation to remove the solvent. After obtaining this spectrum of components, we care to also extract its alcohol and water soluble components, to ultimately combine all components with the purified salt principle of the plant, which is pictured below.
It is curious to note that when prepared in accordance to traditional alchemical methods of preparation that the plant’s potent and revered medicinal qualities arguably become potentiated in their effects and spiritual virtues. This plant is very complex in it’s ranges of action, and has has become a favorite of those seeking plant allies to assist them in their spiritual endeavours of transcending the mundane aspects of reality.